case study


Landing page for a 3D exhibition in Cannes

MURALS is an immersive visual experience that leverages cutting-edge 3D scanning technology to transport viewers into the war-devastated landscapes of Ukraine. This not-for-profit art project aims to raise awareness and shed light on the impacts of war by capturing the remnants of Banksy's artwork left on the ruins of people's homes, schools, and infrastructure. In preparation for its exhibit at the Cannes - Palais des Festivals, MURALS sought a visually light and user-friendly website to showcase their impactful work.

The collaboration between the MURALS team and our website design and development experts resulted in a visually stunning, immersive, and user-friendly website. The combination of clean and minimalist design, impactful storytelling, and intuitive navigation successfully showcased the MURALS project's purpose and emotional impact. The optimized website design, responsiveness, and effective SEO optimization contributed to increased engagement, awareness, and reach for MURALS, amplifying their mission of shedding light on the war devastation in Ukraine.


Aggressive TV


Turn-key Website Development





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